Publication of DIRK association edition of the book “Communication of Supervisory Board Chairs”
In “Communication of Supervisory Board Chairs. Fundamentals – Structures – Goals – Management”, Dr. Sandra Binder-Tietz presents a comprehensive analysis of supervisory board communication in listed companies – the book is published today as an association edition of DIRK.
New CRiFC short study: “YouTube as a source of information for the new “Generation Share”
With the new “Generation Share”, the group of young private investors under 35 years of age is increasingly becoming the focus of practice and research in the financial sector. In a recent CRiFC study, the YouTube platform was identified as a popular source of information for capital market knowledge among the “Generation share”.
Book: Communication of supervisory board chairs
In her doctoral thesis, Sandra Binder-Tietz presents a comprehensive analysis of the communication of supervisory board chairpersons of listed companies. Their complex communicative role is systematically explored for the first time.