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Dr. Sandra Binder-Tietz
+49 (0)178 399 1681
Press releases
In “Communication of Supervisory Board Chairs. Grundlagen – Strukturen – Ziele – Management” Dr. Sandra Binder-Tietz presents a comprehensive analysis of supervisory board communication in listed companies – the book is published today as an association edition of DIRK.
The complex communicative role of supervisory board chairmen is systematically explored for the first time. Each DIRK member company was sent an exclusive copy of the association edition.
Pressemitteilung_Buch Kommunikation von Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden DIRK-Ausgabe (German only)
With the study “Capital Market Communication for the New “Share Generation” – An Empirical Investigation of the Requirements of Young Private Investors for the Communication of Stock Corporations and Financial Service Providers”, the Center for Research in Financial Communication in cooperation with the Deutsches Aktieninstitut and the DIRK – Deutscher Investor Relations Verband publishes the results of a broad empirical investigation.
The research project in cooperation with DekaBank, LANXESS, SAP and Zalando shows the requirements of the share generation (investors up to 35 years of age) and the digital information offerings of various capital market players.
Pressemitteilung Studie Generation Aktie (German only)
ith the study “Sustainability in Capital Market Communication – An Empirical Analysis of Sustainability Communication by German Listed Companies to the Capital Market”, the Center for Research in Financial Communication at the University of Leipzig and DIRK – Deutscher Investor Relations Verband publish the results from a broad empirical study of listed companies in Germany. The research project in cooperation with Aurubis, Deutsche Lufthansa, Deutsche Post DHL Group and Zalando shows how – and also how differently – sustainability communication to the capital market takes shape.
Pressemitteilung Studie Nachhaltigkeit in der Kapitalmarktkommunikation (German only)
How do capital market participants use annual reports, which channels, which contents are relevant for them? Up to now, there have been hardly any empirical findings on the expectations of professional report users. For this reason, the Mainz-based agency MPM Corporate Communication Solutions, together with the Center for Research in Financial Communication at the University of Leipzig, conducted a broad-based study on the use of annual reports.
Pressemitteilung Studie Crossmediale Geschäftsberichte (German only)
With the study “Digital Leadership in Investor Relations – How digital is investor relations in Germany?”, the Center for Research in Financial Communication at the University of Leipzig and DIRK – Deutscher Investor Relations Verband (German Investor Relations Association) publish the results from a broad empirical study of listed companies in Germany. The research project in cooperation with Deutsche Post DHL Group, Deutsche Telekom, innogy and SAP shows how – and also how differently – investor relations departments are shaping the digital transformation.
Pressemitteilung Studie Digital Leadership (German only)
The newly founded Center for Research in Financial Communication (CRiFC) has started its activities at the University of Leipzig. The center’s work focuses on initiating, bundling and conducting national and international research projects in the field of financial communication and investor relations. In this way, the Competence Center is to make a significant contribution to anchoring financial communication in university research and teaching and making it more visible.
Pressemitteilung_Start des Center for Research in Financial Communication (German only)