
A key objective of the Center for Research in Financial Communication is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of theoretical and strategic challenges in the field of financial communication. In the context of classes, projects, and theses, CRiFC offers insights into contemporary research methods in financial communication.

Current classes

  • University of Leipzig: Financial Communication and Investor Relations (M.A. Communication Management)
  • Università della Svizzera italiana: Investor Relations (M.A. Corporate Communication)

Past classes

  • University of Leipzig: Applied research project „Investor Relations für Startups“ (M.A. Communication Management)
  • University of Leipzig: Applied research project „Finanzkommunikation für die neue Generation Aktie“ (M.A. Communication Management)
  • University of Leipzig: Applied research project “Nachhaltigkeit in der Kapitalmarktkommunikation” (M.A. Communication Management)
  • University of Leipzig: Applied research project “Digital Leadership in Investor Relations” (M.A. Communication Management)
  • Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz: Financial communication & capital markets (M.A. Unternehmenskommunikation)
  • University of Leipzig: Financial Communication (B.A. Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft)
  • University of Leipzig: Applied research project “Integrated Reporting” (M.A. Communication Management)